
A Special Message from an LAC+USC Medical Center Union Nurse


Dear USC Shuttle Drivers:

I’m Dr. Kelly Zhou, an SEIU Local 721 Executive Board Member and Nurse Anesthetist II at LAC + USC Medical Center.

Years ago, I worked at Keck Hospital, and I would ride your shuttles into work nearly every day. Today, many of my colleagues at LAC + USC are your passengers — and we understand how vital your work is.

My fellow nurses who are members of SEIU Local 721 are urging you: Stay united and strong heading into your union election on March 23 and don’t fall for USC’s attempts to divide you.

Management simply doesn’t want you to win the union power that you deserve or share in the millions the university takes in each year.

As an SEIU 721 member, you gain the power to negotiate with your managers as equals.

I know firsthand. Last year, I sat at the bargaining table with fellow nurses and management, and we won a landmark contract that dwarfs the pennies on the dollar that we pay in union dues.

Make no mistake: We could not have won these pay increases if we were not united in SEIU Local 721.

As you gear up for your union election, know that our nurses and every member has your back — and we’d be honored if you voted YES to join our union family!

Categories: USC