
What You Should Know When Voting on the LA City Contract

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[…] The reality is that the City Administrative Office (CAO) works at the discretion of the Mayor, and the current Mayor is out the door. Those are the facts. Here’s some answers on the 1-year deal & more: […]


I want to thank the bargaining team for trying to negotiate As a paying member, I am disappointed that we are just receiving a 3% versus stronger bargaining team in LADWP can receive up to 8%-20% increase to match the high inflation and cost of living adjustment. Yes, the team was able to negotiate a one time bonus of 5% but that’s putting a bandage on a bullet wound. It’s not going to stop the major bleeding we all are facing day to day. In addition, membership goes up to 1.5% and we lose time and money in which the… Read more »

caesar avila

the only power we have to not lay down will be after contract expires after december, when we have the threat of strike