
LA County: Here are Our Tentative Agreement Highlights

Thanks to months of collective action, and over 150 actions by thousands of SEIU 721 members across LA County, we’ve secured a groundbreaking, 6-month tentative agreement with Heroes Pay for All, healthcare cost coverage increases, and a new Juneteenth paid holiday.

While other unions simply rolled their contracts over for another year, SEIU 721 members fought tirelessly for a meaningful investment in the vital services we provide – and we won.

Contract Voting Headquarters

From the outset, we focused on 4 key priorities. Here are the details:

6-Month Agreement: October 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022.

Bargaining for our next contract will begin in January, 2022. In 2022, we’ll start negotiations much earlier – so, we’ll be the ones setting the terms. We’ll also be negotiating before the County has adopted their next budget.

Heroes Pay for All

 All SEIU 721 members will receive a Heroes Pay bonus.

The vast majority of SEIU 721 members (those who came to work at all during the pandemic) will receive bonuses of $1500 or $2150 (DHS). See Table below.


  Non-DHS   DHS
100% Telework   $1000   $1150
Any Onsite Work   $1500   $2150


  • If, during the pandemic, from March 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, an employee’s assignment brought them within 6 feet of a coworker or member of the public for at least 15 minutes – even one time only – that employee qualifies for the higher “Any Onsite Work” bonus. Claims for the “Any Onsite Work” bonus will be made through an online self-attestation.


  • SEIU 721 Members in the Department of Health Services (DHS) receive higher bonuses because DHS received Provider Relief Funds in the original CARES Act which can ONLY be spent in DHS and cannot be used to compensate employees outside of the Department.


  • SEIU 721 Members who ONLY teleworked during the pandemic will receive bonuses of $1000 (or $1150 if they work for DHS.) Those members who mostly teleworked, but whose assignment – even once – brought them in to work and within six feet of a coworker or member of the public will still qualify for one of the higher “Any Onsite Work” bonuses.


  • Part-time employees who work an average of at least 20 hours per week will receive partial bonuses.


  • The bonuses will be received as one lump sum in a regular paycheck once the Agreement has been ratified by SEIU 721 members and approved by the Board of Supervisors. Members in DHS may receive their bonuses over two paychecks.


  • For an average SEIU 721 member with a $5000 monthly salary, the $1500 lump sum bonus is the equivalent of a 5.0% salary increase over the six-month term of the Agreement.


  • For an average SEIU 721 member with a $5000 monthly salary, the $2150 lump sum bonus is the equivalent of a 7.2% salary increase over the six-month term of the Agreement.

More Money for Options Health Benefits

The Agreement includes a 2.5% increase in the County’s contribution to our Options health benefits beginning January 1, 2022. This is more than enough to cover 2022 premium increases, with more cashback for UHC Signature members and more money toward other optional benefits (such as additional life insurance, a healthcare spending account, etc.) for Kaiser and UHC Harmony members.

Options Contribution
Coverage Level 2021 2.50% Increase
Employee Only $1,011.80 $1,037.10 $25.30
 Employee + 1 $1,846.07 $1,892.22 $46.15
Employee + 2 $2,180.79 $2,235.31 $54.52

New Juneteenth Paid Holiday!

Beginning in 2022, Juneteenth will be recognized in Los Angeles County as a paid holiday for all SEIU Local 721 members. This is the second new paid holiday that we’ve negotiated in three years! (Our Cesar Chavez holiday was negotiated in 2018, and was the first new paid holiday in over 30 years.)

What’s Next?

Voting will begin online, at our worksites, and by mail on August 2nd. Our Bargaining Policy Committee overwhelmingly recommends a YES vote.

Details about our upcoming ratification vote will be available soon. In the meantime, be sure to text “SEIU” to 721721 for the latest news and important updates.

Answers to many common questions we have received can be found on our FAQ page

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Darrell Ramzy

Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

Patricia Enriquez

That’s great. What about employees who worked but have or will retire soon.

Darrell Ramzy

Will retire within 2-3 years

R. Perez

I retired at the end of June, 2021 after 46 years with no time off during the covid pandemic. Would I be eligible?

Last edited 3 years ago by R. Perez
Me mee

Why are other first responders not apart of the higher pay? I got covid from deputies that have to work with ppl.

Me mee

Ok but I feel other departments that did a lot throughout covid should be getting a lot more than just this… I know sheriffs department is not the unions favorite department but the un sworn should be your priority! In the Department. We get left out because of the department we are in.


Thank you SEIU 721 you guys are awesome

ANTHONY Rothwell

I like where you went with this but I still think that the holiday pay should be give for the whole 10 hour day not 8 and give 2 hours, our work day doesn’t stop after 8 hours so neither should our holiday pay.

Angie Hurtado


Jimmie Joyce

Holiday pay is in time (8 hours), not necessarily days. Because it can be accrued depending on your schedule. So it creates an imbalance if it was different for everyone.

Bereavement leave for example is only used daily and it’s not accrued so it’s always however many hours you’re scheduled for on that day.

Hopefully that makes it more easier to understand.

Traecy Jackson

This is great news!

Edward Roman

Excellent !

Sandra Marzini

Awesome news!!


Thanks, very well done

Tony L

Hello there, Is that the new 3-year contract will be negotiated next January or it’s only 2.5-year to be aligned with the traditional timeframe? I believe the typical term has been a 10%-raise over a 3-year period, I hope the one-time bonus will not be considered as part of the raise as I read this: “For an average SEIU 721 member with a $5000 monthly salary, the $1500 lump sum bonus is the equivalent of a 5.0% salary increase over the six-month term of the Agreement.” I understand how tough the negotiation could be, and I appreciate the effort of the… Read more »

Zachary Scott


Terry Serrano

When will we receive the bonus?

Jeffrey Wang

If I’m from another non-DHS department but worked for Public Health for one year as a re-assigned Disaster Services Worker, will I qualify for the DHS pay? If so, is there a portal where I can declare this, as well as a portal for me to report my Onsite bonus pay?

Brandy Oyegoke

Thanks for asking, I also asked the same question and was a DSW for a year!

Philip C Nnoli

Congratulations, this is a highly commendable agreement showing great foresight and courage. Thank you for a good job.

Mercene Shogren

What if you worked for DHS and another department during the time period in question?

Brandy Oyegoke

What about the Disaster Service Workers that worked the frontline with DHS but actually work for DPSS. Can we get the higher bonus that DHS is receiving?

Lawrence Gonzales

Thank you for your hard work.


So, no raises for anybody, just a one time bonus? Cost of living is crazy right now in LA county, and the governor is still giving out 12 billion in extra stimulus. But the biggest county in the county cant afford to pay their essential workers. In my opinion, this is NOT a good contract. The “hero pay” is more akin to backpay for the last year and a half. So basically we got backpay and nothing for the next 6 months.


Also disappointed in no cost-of-living adjustment. Annual inflation is about 5% right now. With no cost-of-living wage adjustment, our inflation adjusted wages would essentially be reduced by about another 2.5% by the end of the proposed 6-month agreement. An employee making a $50,000 salary would only have an inflation adjusted salary of $48,780 after six months. This is a reduction in purchasing power of $1,200 per year which will offset the one-time bonus for most employees in just over a year! If this agreement goes through and shortfalls in cost-of-living adjustment are not made up for in the future, employees face… Read more »

Jill Person

I feel the same way

Ranina Mathis

This is great news. I want to know where does Social Workers of DCFS fall in regards to the heroes pay.

Carlota Price

Thank you for all your hard work!! Question: I am planning to retire before the end of this year. Will I receive the bonus? I started Teleworking July 2020. Than u

Dee Gee

What does DHS mean?


Yesssss thank you so much!!! We appreciate your guys hard work to get us all these things.


Question, I know it says DHS will be getting the $2150 bonus, does this include DPH since we were the Department that was deployed to the Pods?

Zita Anyanwu

Why will this bonus be added to our regular paycheck. Why can’t this bonus be paid in a separate paycheck, because by the time they are done taxing it, the take home amount will be meaningless.
Whey is there not a different and higher amount for nurses who worked directly with covid patient on regular basis.

Michael Carreon

Where does public health come in, in all of this ?

Dipti Bhambhani

Thank you so much.


What about non-union Los Angeles County staff?


Thank you SEIU


Question: what about SUD ER/promotional pay. How do I figure out or speak to my representative?

Michael Carreon

What about public health we are not part of DHS

Danny Aguilar Jr

Although, I appreciate it.. I’d like to get a detail copy of the “Tentative Agreement”.

Where can I pull it up?


Danny Aguilar Jr

Last time the Union gave a bogus Tentative Contract, Don’t get me wrong I spoke to TWO very understanding union reps. One is my own. But, still things need to be clearer. As last contract EVERYONE was suppose to get a 2.75% half step increase. But, union failed to mention it ONLY applied to those who were at there last step. So, I would really like to read it. Also, not to mention, Bereavement time. My grandfather who was like a father to me passed away. And my husband also a county worker was not eligible for Bereavement time, so… Read more »

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Richard rustanto

thank you guys for all the great work! I have a question. I worked in DHS for the last 5 years and was promoted to DMH last month (june 21st). Will I quality for the onsite DHS bonus?


I was union representative DHS employee from 1/1/20-1/31/21,but now is with Parks dept. Will I receive heroes pay?

Jacklyn Ellis

I am a relief nurse at Harbor but I only work every other weekend and I worked during the pandemic so would I qualify for anything?

Jacklyn Ellis

So working less than 20 hours we wouldn’t qualify for anything?


My family thanks you for a job well done.. THANK YOU,


What if you worked at DHS during that timeframe, but leave before the bonus can be issued? Will you get the DHS Bonus or the other department bonus?

Jimmie Joyce

Great job! Appreciate the effort

David J

What about higher paid employees not represented by 721? Do they qualify?


Will SEIU UHW members be included?

Darline Jimenez

Where and when is the link for the online self-attestation?

Thank you

A Gonzalez

Kudos to SEIU 721! Be glad you are with this union because if you had AFSCME you wouldn’t get anything…accept for u r benefits cut….or hear sorry that your colleagues on one item got a $3000.00 bonus…buy another item was “inadvertently left out of the article” but there is nothing they can do because the “CEOs office refused to bargain during COVID-19.” SERIOUSLY!

Tracey Curry

This awesome news. Thanks so much for the hard work

Danielle McQueen-Teague

Thank you we deserve it and I”m happy that we won the fight Great job 721


Why do you make different about Dhs and mental health work? We all pay dues

Meg Peterson

I hope the next contract doesn’t cut my pay again. The last/current contract put a cap on the amount of $$ we get back from our benefits in our paycheck and I ended up losing a lot of $$. Folks were blinded by the “oh, we’re giving you a $1000 bonus”. That “bonus” cost me (and I’m sure many others) $$!! Read the fine print of what’s being proposed!!


Lets be clear with this, what we’ll get is really a 5 to 7.5 percent to offset for the cost of living for 6 months and not a heroes pay like you make it sound. I don’t really think SEIU should mislead members like that. It is shameful after exposing ourselves and our love ones.

Jill Person

I agree with you!


You can put excess on wage works card and use for medical dental co-pays prescriptions. You don’t have to lose that money at all


This is good but it’s like we are real essential workers in the health field even Ralph’s got a 5 dollar raise on all work hours we get a one time bonus and extra on health benefits but we still have to use our time if we get sick and loose out on real family needs we still don’t get a raise in pay dealing with a disease that’s we can’t control but put our life in the line for a one time bonus that we already get

Marisela Moran

Is oliveview hospital DHS?

Markeitha Harris

We wanted to ensure Hero’s pay for everyone, 2.5% for benefits and Juneteenth Holiday.

Angel Marie Garcia

I was a DHS employee for 1 month, New hire to the County. Do I still qualify for such a bonus? I no longer work for the County, but I thought I’d ask.


Will megaflex employees get the Hero Pay Bonus? Although not represented, the megaflex received the retention bonus a couple years back.


I was 721 represented employee during the time frame March 1, 2020 to Jan 31, 2021 but got promoted as mega flex employee in Feb 2021. Will I still get the heroes pay?

Essential Worker

Definitely a NO vote for me!!!! This is a slap in the face to every county employee who risked their lives and health during the pandemic. That 15 minute garbage is just a way to get all these teleworkers money they don’t deserve.


You realize that the date goes back to March 1, 2020 right? When most people were still working in offices and regularly around their coworkers and the public? I had events and meetings during that time. But because you think that only frontline people should get it, our close contact doesn’t matter… okay, sure. Everyone represented by the union is getting money, regardless of their work location. They’re just making sure those that were put at ANY kind of risk are getting a bit extra. And the DHS people who were REALLY at risk are getting extra from the CARES… Read more »

Ana R

Seriously? $2,150 for Over an entire year? Do we not acknowledge that we, front line workers, worked over 2,080 hours over a 12 month period? That’s not considering Covid is not over. Dividing the $2,150 (bonus) by 2,080 hours, we’ll be receiving $1.03 (Heroes Pay) per hour. Most, nation wide, nurses received to start a $5/hr bump in pay. $2,150 (bonus) divided by $5, equals 430 hours. 430 hours divided by 40 hrs/week, equals 10.75 WEEKS. What happened to the other 41.25 weeks of pay? Really, is this what our union is proud of? I hope this is the first… Read more »


Thank you 721