
Victory! City of LA Members Overwhelmingly Ratify 2020-2022 Contract Amendment

We did it!

In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, we ratified the 2020-2022 City of Los Angeles Contract Amendment with an incredible 79% YES vote, closing the door on layoffs and furloughs and securing a strong future for City of LA workers.

Since we began this fight, almost a year ago, the City’s economic situation went from bad to worse. That’s why the ratification of this Contract Amendment is a tremendous accomplishment.

From the onset, we made it clear that the City cannot call our members heroes one day and then turn around and balance the budget on their backs. Despite the unprecedented $674 million budget deficit for this fiscal year alone, SEIU 721 members came out relatively unscathed with NO FURLOUGHS AND NO LAYOFFS this fiscal year and with additional protections against future furloughs because we acted as a strong union.

But our work is far from over.

Workers holding signs

This newly ratified contract amendment also brings a contract reopener for January 2022, which means that every member needs to stand #UnionStrong this year. We will continue organizing and mobilizing to bring home a federal stimulus package that delivers relief for our City and public sector workers.

We still don’t know the full extent of the pandemic’s economic disruption, but we do know that if we remain united, we can fight back and win for every single member.

Congratulations on this Contract Amendment ratification.

Be the first to know of our next steps, text SEIU to 31996 for real-time updates.

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Carloes Harper

Thats Great!!!!


Ok is good I’m a halftimer employee but what about us where is the information for us Partimer or halftimer all the in formation is only for the full time people we’re paying our dues too

Brian Story

Awesome Job To All Of The Members from all of the MOU’s…….When We FIGHT….We WIN !

Kizmet Singleton

I’m so proud to be a union member great work guys we stand together we win together

Ignacio Cruz

Really i thought the vote count was going to be tomorrow the 29th was my vote counted its my union being transparent with me and my union brothers and sisters?

Ignacio Cruz

Thanks for the update i did vote on time what I was talking about was the clarity in the way all of this was done to begin with in my work place we didn’t even know all of this was happening untill they had reach and agreement

Joe Martinez

As a Union brother you can participate in the vote count next time. Its great you are interested in getting involve and want to see the results. Please contact when you are available. Im also union brother / member. I work at LAWA but i’m always willing to help any union member.

Ignacio Cruz

Im always intereste in getting involve i guss i got to wait till next time thanks

Joe Martinez

Never too late If you are interested in getting involve, we have LA city workers meeting every first Saturday of the month. Contact me, I can give you the information. I look forward to having you participate.

Last edited 4 years ago by JOSE Martinez
Elias Lopez

The 4% we are deferring till June 2022 will count against us in the next contract watch, how is not taking furloughs now holding the line for no furloughs next fiscal year? Yet taking furloughs now is somehow not holding the line for next fiscal year? if anything taking 11 furloughs now should buy one grace next fiscal year

Joe Martinez

Your opinion is hoping everything is back to normal next fiscal year. We don’t know how economy will be next fiscal year , we can only stand together and counter offer every time the city has new financial obstacles. It’s s great you have ideas let’s stay involve, so when the city comes with a new obstacle. We are together and win for all.

Joe Martinez

Together We Stand, Together We Win.

Anagh Mamdapurkar

Does this agreement also effect to coalition members?

Anthony Monge

It was convenient and easy to vote online thank you all at Seiu for all your support. And to all the members United we stand divided we fall.