DPSS frontline workers and top management are rolling up their sleeves and setting in motion a series of much needed work groups to develop and enact real fixes for:
- the inequitable caseload distribution throughout the County
- the prevalent LRS glitches that slow down the delivery of services
- the volume of cases assigned to approved file workers
- the underfunding of bilingual staff allocations that subjects EWs to do bilingual work w/o fair compensation or forces non-bilingual staff to take on bilingual caseloads
- the undeveloped and inconsistent Model Office plan that currently hinders EWs from providing quality services to clients by straddling them with non-EW tasks
EWs on the frontline know best how to raise DPSS workplace standards and improve the quality of services. Together we are making strides for frontline workers and our communities!
What can YOU do? Contact your worksite organizer to:
-Fill out a survey regarding LRS today
-Find out how to get involved as the work groups develop
“Our collective voices and unity have finally been successful in moving management to revisit top-down decisions that are not working in our department. With these work groups we are creating a partnership and a seat at the table where we can move solutions that actually work in the field, EWs have a clear opportunity to drive forward the necessary long-term changes and improvements that are long overdue.”
—Adolfo Granados, Eligibility Worker and SEIU Local 721 Executive Board Member.