
Were You Disciplined During the LA County Strike?

What Happened?

On March 5, SEIU 721 resolved their dispute over unfair labor practices charges during the strike with LA County. The County stated that all union members have the right to participate in concerted, collective activities, including the types of activities engaged in during the contract campaign.

What Does This Mean?

1. The Unauthorized Absences Without Pay (UWOP) chargesduring the strike will not be counted as discipline.
2. The Unauthorized Absences Without Pay (UWOP) charges fromthe strike will not go into any personnel files.

What’s Next?

As a public employee represented by SEIU 721, you have many workplace rights. Your employer, Los Angeles County, cannot infringe upon these rights. Continue to exercise your legally protected rights as a union member.

Print a copy of the flyer and share this information with your co-workers.

If you have questions or concerns, contact the MemberConnection at (877) 721-4YOU.

Categories: Los Angeles County