
City of Oxnard Member Actions Spark Change

SEIU 721 Oxnard Bargaining Team and Executive Board member Rhea Voll, at the Oxnard Library informational picket.
SEIU Local 721 members in the City of Oxnard are taking the heat to the street as they stand up for a fair contract. On October 8, 2013, members came out to the Rally on Wheels event at the Housing department in La Colonia and also ran an informational picket in front of the Oxnard Main Library.
The rallies, actions and community support have been paying off!
Members have been bargaining since November of 2012 and after turning up the heat with a series of Rally on Wheels events and City Council actions, the Council and city negotiators moved forward on economic issues.
But there are still things that need to be fixed in the City, like fully staffing the library and hiring a children’s librarian.
Thumbnail image for COX-business-support.JPGCommunity members have stepped forward to support Oxnard workers and a better library. They attended the Rally on Wheels, marched with members and even picked up the phone to urge city council members to support a fully staffed library.
Small business owners have also been stepping up to support workers by displaying “This Business Supports City of Oxnard Workers” placards in their store windows.
Next Steps

October 15 – There will be an All Hands Membership Meeting on October 15 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Oxnard Library in Room B. Members will get a full update on the progress that has been made at the bargaining table. The bargaining team will also meet for another bargaining session that afternoon, so make sure to PURPLE UP.
We will also be attending the City Council meeting that evening.
October 22 – There will be a Rally on Wheels at 214 C St. in front of the Police Department station and the Service Center. Come out and show your support. We will be there from 11:30 a.m. to 2 pm.
October 22 is a Tuesday and we will once again go to the City Council meeting, so make sure to PURPLE UP in unity.