
LA City: ‘Don’t Put Our Healthcare at Risk’

LA City Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee (JLMBC) is meeting to
choose which insurance carriers will provide city workers with
healthcare coverage for the next three years.

Come to Thursday’s JLMBC meeting to ensure the best plans are selected.
This Thursday
June 13, 9 a.m.
LA City Hall East
200 N. Main St., Room 1200
Los Angeles 90012

RSVP here.

SEIU 721 and the other union representatives on the JLMBC are working hard to get city workers the best coverage at the lowest possible cost.

But management representatives don’t feel the same way. They want to stick with Anthem Blue Cross, even though Blue Shield would provide the same quality coverage and save the city $10.8 million.

More Takeaways?

That’s right, city managers want the city ignore $10.8 million at the same time CAO Miguel Santana tells city workers we need to pay 10 percent more for our health benefits. And although Kaiser will remain available, management wants to increase co-pays. It just doesn’t add up.

What Do SEIU 721 Members Want?
-Give Blue Shield’s cost-efficient proposal the fair consideration it deserves.
-Don’t rush to hand costly Anthem our business. Their proposed 11.7 percent rate increase is too high!
-Choose the best healthcare plans for everyone. We need plans that save money, provide quality care and allow city workers to keep their doctors.

We’re making these points at the JLMBC meetings, but we need to tell management what city workers think.

ronhaywoodx80.jpg“It’s critical that the JLMBC hears from us so they can make the right decision about our health benefits. We need to turn out in force and make sure we’re getting the best deal for city workers and for Los Angeles.”
-Ron Haywood, LA City Traffic Officer

Download a flyer to post at your worksite.

For more info, contact your Worksite Organizer or the SEIU 721 Member Connection: (877) 721-4968.