
June 12th: Get on the Bus to Protect Healthcare for All

GetonTheBus_595x297.jpgWe are making progress with the Governor’s commitment to expand Medi-Cal, but we are not done. We need to expand and improve healthcare access for everyone and protect county safety net funding.
Background: In January, Governor Brown proposed funding Medi-Cal by taking a huge amount of money away from the public hospitals and health systems that already provide care to millions of Californians – including three to four millionthat WON’T be covered by healthcare reform. The proposal would also hurt public health programs that prevent illness and control epidemics. What did we do? We fought back!
Every month since January, SEIU 721 members went to Sacramento to tell legislators about the services we provide and to voice our concerns about the budgetary impact on our public safety net.
On April 16th, thousands of SEIU 721 members marched from the County Hall
of Administration to the State Building to deliver a message to the Governor. And on May 15th, we took buses to Sacramento to say, “Protect the Safety Net!”
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“The bus tour and rally were important because healthcare reform has stalled in California. We need the Governor and the legislature to do the right thing and expand affordable healthcare across the state.”

–Ted “Bear” Perez, SEIU 721 Executive Board Member & Ventura County Mental Health Associate

Join the movement!
Get On the Bus on June 12th
Sign up to go to Sacramento to tell our representatives that we want healthcare for everyone. Our presence will speak volumes. It’s up to us to take a stand for quality healthcare in California.
Buses will leave SEIU Local 721 at 12:15 am.
RSVP by calling the 721 Member Connection at (877) 721-4YOU.
Categories: Los Angeles County