
LA County Members Gear Up for April 16!

At worksites all over LA County, SEIU 721 members are joining their co-workers during breaks at “rolling rallies” in anticipation for the big 
Rally for Raises, Tuesday,
April 16
, because it’s time to tell the Board of Supervisors that we are going to TURN IT UP at the bargaining table in 2013.Will you be there?
Rally for Raises!
Tuesday, April 16
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Board of Supervisors
500 W. Temple, Los Angeles

At the West Valley DPSS office alone, over 100 members came out to show support for the April 16 Rally for Raises. Cesar Ortiz.jpg

“I’m going to the Rally for Raises because things need to get better. For the last four years, workloads have increased, but we are still getting paid the same.”
Cesar Ortiz, Cal Works Intake 

SEIU 721 Vice President Linda Dent is leading the rallies with a message that is clear – “500 isn’t going to do it. 1,000 isn’t going to do it. There are 55,000 LA County Members. We want thousands in the streets so the Board of Supervisors will know we are serious. Four years is too long to wait for a raise.”Maritza Maldanado head.jpg

“We can barely get by on this paycheck. I have five kids! I’m going to the Rally for Raises because LA County needs to know that my family needs a raise.”

Maritza Maldanado, LA County DPSS Clerk