
Take Action: LA Mayor’s State of the City Address

On April 9, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will give his yearly State of the City Address. He’ll attack our jobs and benefits, but he won’t give our side of the story. That’s why city workers need to be there.
Join SEIU 721 members and our Coalition of LA City Union partners at the mayor’s speech to tell the media the truth about what city workers have done to deliver quality services and keep LA strong.
Tuesday, April 9, 3 p.m.
UCLA’s Royce Hall
340 Royce Drive
Los Angeles 90095
RSVP here.

“This speech is happening right before the city budget gets released. We’ve sacrificed so much over the past few years. Now, LA’s economy is coming back and we’re not going to go backward. City workers are going to move this city ahead.”
-Alan Peshek, City of Los Angeles Storekeeper II, Chief Steward

Download a flyer
to give to your co-workers.
For more info or if you need a ride, call your Worksite Organizer or the SEIU 721 Member Connection: (877) 721-4968.