
Social Workers Say: Stop Transfer Freeze!

Social workers from several Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) offices across LA County united to deliver a group grievance regarding the transfer freeze that has been imposed by DCFS Director Philip Browning.  
GGIC Transfer Match.jpg CSWs Tom Packard and David Rose of DCFS Metro North The transfer freeze was intended to create stability, but has instead prevented much-needed and experienced social workers from transferring to the sites that most need them. In some cases, the freeze keeps social workers in unworkable situations. 
“The working conditions in Compton are so bad and the nature of the cases are so troubling that being frozen on a transfer feels like I’m being held hostage,” said Teo Jones, CSW at Compton.
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“I’ve put in a transfer to work in SPA 6. I can help to immediately lighten caseloads for other social workers, but due to the transfer freeze, I’m not going anywhere,” said Evon Perkins, CSW at Metro North.
As it stands, new CSWs have been hired and instead of placing them in sites where they will be able to learn, they are being placed in the highest need areas. Ideally, both new and experienced CSWs would fill spots at the sites most challenged by excessive workloads. 
There are many CSWs who have requested a position in a SPA6 office, but have not been transferred because of the freeze. 
The GGIC was filed February 21 and goes directly to DCFS, which has ten days to set a meeting for the grievance. 
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“If we don’t file a grievance, if we don’t enforce the MOU, we can basically guarantee that the transfer list will be frozen. This is an attempt to get it moving. It’s a slow process, but it has to be done,” says Cesar Guillen, CSW III (Emergency Response) in Wateridge.
Categories: Los Angeles County