
Riverside County IT Members Work to Resolve Department Issues

During the past few months, SEIU 721 Riverside County stewards working in the county’s Information Technology department have met with management over important workplace changes, particularly background checks and the restructuring/consolidation occurring in the department. 
In both cases, members have made progress.
“SEIU 721 stewards and staff continue to vigorously represent the best interests of workers from the various IT Departments during the Board mandated consolidation of their departments with RCIT.”
– Joey D. Smith, IT Applications Developer II

Background Checks
The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) ruled that the county can conduct background checks on current and future employees in the IT department. However, SEIU 721 can argue for the mitigation of the effects of a negative finding on members. 
Based on this ruling, management was forced to return to discussions with the union, and after several meetings, an impasse was declared, which, due to new laws, allows for fact finding.
In the meantime, if you are directed by management to undergo a background check, contact your steward, worksite organizer, or the SEIU 721 Member Connection (877) 721-4YOU.
Since last summer, County management has been moving toward consolidating various IT departments into RCIT.
Unfortunately, there has been misinformation circulating that has caused confusion. 
Members who are being transferred into RCIT and are off their initial probationary period will not be forced into a secondary probation and
will maintain their seniority.
To read more on these issues, please click on the link below.
RCIT March 2013 Update
Categories: Inland Area