
“Keeping Families Together” Immigration Reform Bus Tour is Coming Your Way

bus-tour-image.jpgSEIU 721 members along with a host of SEIU locals and community allies like the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) are standing up for a clear path to citizenship and keeping families together as Congress considers different immigration reform plans.
aurora300.jpgAurora Ureta, a Medical Records Clerk at Clinica Romero and an active Los Angeles area community member, joined the bus tour to show her support for immigration reform. She remembers when she first came to the U.S. in 1976 after the massive earthquake in Guatemala. In the wake of the terrible earthquake, jobs were scarce so she parted from her family to find opportunities in the U.S.
There are many stories similar to that of Aurora and many of these community members are on the bus tour, reaching out to members of Congress and asking them to support immigration reform with a path to citizenship to help keep families together.

You can download the Keeping Families Together bus tour schedule here.
Please note that the times next to the locations indicates the departure time of the tour from each stop.
You can help support the tour by joining us at one of our stops and by spreading the word to your co-workers and friends.  Here are some photos from Day #1 of the bus tour.
News Roundup

Categories: Immigration Reform