
Building Momentum for 2013

LA-OC-2012-Wrap-Up-Imagex595.jpg2012 was a year of struggles and victories for SEIU 721. We gained new members, won new contracts and took action to demand justice for public workers and our communities. We fought for better wages, benefits and working conditions at workplaces across Southern California.
SEIU 721 members also helped beat back the agenda of the 1%. We knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors and made millions of phone calls to pass Prop 30 and defeat Prop 32. We were instrumental in getting President Barack Obama reelected to another four year term and we helped pro-worker candidates win state and national offices.
Everything we did last year helped build momentum for 2013.
Here are just some of the many SEIU 721 LA/OC Cities and Districts highlights from last year:

  • Defeating Richard Riordan, Saving Our Pensions:
    When multi-millionaire Richard Riordan tried to qualify a ballot measure in the City of LA to replace our pensions with risky 401(k) plans, city workers organized and defeated him in just two weeks. SEIU 721 members 10,000 people to remove their names from Riordan’s petition and forced him to spend $800,000 on the failed effort.

  • Honoring City Workers:
    This past December, Los Angeles city’s Quality and Productivity Commission honored city workers for initiating projects that have improved the quality of public services. SEIU 721 members initiated and implemented many of the awarded projects.

  • Winning a New Contract in Inglewood:
    Inglewood city workers voted by 89 percent to ratify a new contract last month. It holds the line on wages and benefits and makes important new gains. 

  • Welcoming New Members: In March, animal control workers from the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority voted to merge their association with SEIU 721. They won their first contract in August. In April, nearly 400 Santa Ana part-time employees voted overwhelmingly to join SEIU 721.

  • Fighting Neighborhood Blight:
    Last summer, the sustained action of SEIU 721 members and community allies pushed the LA City Council to amend the Foreclosure Registry Ordinance, which will help the city bring in millions in revenue by fining banks for failing to clean up foreclosed homes.
2012 was quite a year for SEIU 721 members. Our top resolution for 2013 is to make this year the best it can be for working people!
In unity,
David Sanders
Regional Director, SEIU 721 LA/OC Cities and Districts