Rally for Resolution – YES on 30 and NO on 32
It’s time to take a stand and get LA County back on track.
Join the League of Women Voters, Courage Campaign, California Partnership, CHIRLA and other community and labor organizations to call on the LA County Board of Supervisors to support YES on Prop 30 and NO on Prop 32.
Tuesday, October 9 at 12 PM
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street – Los Angeles, CA 90012
The rally will be followed by public testimony at the Board meeting at 1pm.
Box lunches provided for SEIU 721 members. For more information, please call 213-368-8634.
On Tuesday, October 9, the LA County Board of Supervisors will be voting to take positions on the key statewide Propositions 30 and 32. Community groups will present testimony to the Board on how these ballot measures would affect their organizations.
Community groups support Prop 30, the Schools & Safety Protection Act, because it is the only initiative that will protect school and safety funding and help address the state’s chronic budget mess. Governor Brown’s plan reduces the deficit while protecting essential services.
Prop 32 is not what it seems. The Special Exemptions Act – Prop 32 is the first of a one-two punch to give even more control of government to powerful corporate special interests so they can come after our wages, benefits, and even our right to collective bargaining. While the measure’s wealthy backers falsely claim it’s about “stopping special interests,” it’s actually designed to weaken unions and give corporate CEOs even more power to boost their profits by cutting jobs, eliminating retirement security and reducing wages.
Learn how you can help protect your voice at our 2012 Election Central resource page.
Download the Rally for Resolutions flier to distribute at your worksite. Rally for Resolutions 2012-10-09 SEIU 721 color flier.pdf
Categories: Campaigns | Los Angeles County