Wednesday, September 26, is an official no-school day for LA Unified School District. Since our kids won’t be in school, we’ll hold classes at the home of a prominent member of LA’s 1%.
We’ll also point out the mansions that house some of the largest political donors–the same multi-millionaires who are trying to buy California’s election.
Click here to download the Tour and Teach-In flyer.
Then, UTLA school teachers will conduct a Teach-In in front of the home of a prominent member of LA’s 1% and one of the largest contributors to the Yes on Prop 32 campaign. The Teach-In will highlight the choice that California’s voters face in November about who will pay to keep California solvent: school children, college students, and hard working families? Or the 1%?
The Tour and Teach-In will start at Holmby Park, 601 Club View Drive, Los Angeles at 12:00 noon.
On the 26th, let’s make it clear what this election is really about: Our children’s future vs. the 1%.
For more information, call (213) 863-4548 extension 210.