
Riverside Key for Latino Voter Registration

mi_familia_vota_2012_160_EM_group_595p_tls.jpgEliseo Medina, SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer, with SEIU 721 Riverside city and county members at the launch of the Mi Familia Vota headquarters in Riverside, Friday, July 27, 2012.
¡Todos a Votar! Let’s all vote!
In California, voters will decide on key propositions, specifically Prop 30 and 32. SEIU 721 is committed to making sure workers’ rights are protected and that the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes so that schools, roads, health care systems and other vital services do not crumble.
Part of the key to achieving those goals will be registering and voting among Latinos according to those gathered in Riverside, Friday, July 27, 2012, at the kick off of Mi Familia Vota headquarters and the national bus tour of ¡Todos a Votar! Let’s Vote!
SEIU 721 Inland Empire members came out to support the kick off which featured remarks by Eliseo Medina, SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer, Riverside City Chapter Second Vice-President Enrique Barboza, and other community partners.
“When we don’t vote, we leave the outcome in other people’s hands,” Medina told the enthusiastic crowd. “When we vote, we are the architect of our own destinies.”
Barboza, a public works employee with the city of Riverside, told his personal story of becoming aware of the importance of voting after the failure of the first version of the Dream Act and the inequities that were occurring to his family and friends. He passionately reminded the crowd the importance of being educated on the issue and voting saying, “Mi vota cuenta, my vote counts.”
The bus tour started in Stockton, went to Fresno and Gardena, stopped in Riverside and continued to San Diego and will be in Nevada this week.
Read Eliseo’s blog: Next Stop: ¡Todos A Votar! Lands in Nevada This Week
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Media Coverage
– Press-Enterprise –
Aug. 5, 2012 article – Latino Voter Registration Trailing Population Increase
• video: National Group Working to Increase Latino Vote
• article: National Latino voter drive stops in Riverside
– Stockton Record –
National drive to get more Latinos to vote kicks off in Stockton
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Categories: Inland Area