Stop Wal-Mart in Chinatown #NoWalMartEmpire
Join Thousands to Stop Wal-Mart’s Expansion of Low Wages in L.A. Watch this video and share.
SEIU 721 and a coalition of labor unions are leading the effort to stop Wal-Mart’s expansion of low wages in Los Angeles. Thousands in L.A. labor will march against Wal-Mart on June 30th in Chinatown.
We need you marching with us.
Wal-Mart creates poverty-level jobs for its workers and drives down wages for the rest of us. Wal-Mart is looking to open hundreds of new small “Wal-Mart Express” stores and “Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets” across L.A. County. We are rising up together on June 30th to say: “No Wal-Martization of L.A.!”
Share the above video on Facebook. Tweet it. Share this page. Spread the word about June 30th.
Most importantly. . .
Join thousands in L.A. labor and SEIU 721, along with Chinatown residents, youth, faith, community, civil rights groups and small business owners, for the largest protest against Wal-Mart ever to be held in the U.S.
It is up to us!
March Against Wal-Mart and Low Wage Jobs
Saturday, June 30th, 10AM
Los Angeles State Historic Park (The Cornfield)
1245 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, 90012
Contact: 213-381-5611 ext. 126 or your SEIU 721 worksite organizer.
Click here to watch the video and share it.
Click here for additional information on the March Against Wal-Mart on June 30th.
Download the flyer the March Against Wal-Mart here