
Santa Ana Part-Time Workers Become Newest SEIU 721 Members

Santa_Ana_vote_500px.jpgNearly 400 part-time employees for the City of Santa Ana voted overwhelmingly to become members of SEIU 721. While full-time City of Santa Ana workers were already members of SEIU 721, complicated contract language prevented part-time workers from fully participating in the bargaining unit. That language was changed last year, thanks to the hard work of the Santa Ana bargaining team.
Angel_Almazan_Santa_Ana_80x80.jpgAfter being denied a real voice at work for so long, I’m really happy for my co-workers and I. This win will help us and future members by strengthening our rights in the workplace.”
 – Angel Almazan, City of Santa Ana Youth Sports Program Coordinator The part-time workers include library aides, Parks and Recreation employees, clerical aides, park rangers and Police Department employees. 94 percent voted in favor of joining SEIU 721. The vote was held on April 4.