
City of Palm Springs Members Tell Management About Personal Sacrifices

Palm_Springs_Barg_Team_group_500px.jpgThe SEIU 721 City of Palm Springs bargaining team, left to right, front row, Bill Notte, Valerie Wagner, Nadine Fieger and Mark Reid, chief negotiator. Left to right, back row, Carolyn Notte and Andy Sheldon.
Negotiations between the SEIU 721 Palm Springs General Unit and city management began on April 11, 2012, with the exchange of contract proposals. Every member of the bargaining team spoke of the sacrifices workers have made over the past five years that have kept the city from severe financial consequences.

Palm Springs city workers are doing more with less. Our families have taken the brunt of the city’s financial problems. We have given every time and hardworking families can not afford it anymore.

– Mark Reid, chief negotiator
City of Palm Springs employees, including groundskeepers, airport operations workers, street maintenance workers and clerical staff are asking for a fair contract that recognizes the professionalism in how they do their jobs, their pride in public services and their past fiscal responsibility shown to the city they serve.
Next Steps
Bargaining dates have been set for April 23 and May 7.