
Conejo Recreation and Park Employees Vote for Agency Shop

On Wednesday March 14th, 2012 Conejo Recreation and Park employees wanted to increase their strength and voice and held a successful agency shop election.
Over 81% of employees who voted, voted for an agency shop agreement. Through an agency shop agreement our union will be stronger and more unified for our upcoming negotiations. 
Make your voice heard and help make CRPD the best place to work in Ventura County.
– Scott Buchanan, bargaining team member and SEIU 721 leader
What does this mean for Conejo Recreation and Park members?
  • Nothing will change for current members.
  • Non-members will have the opportunity to become a union member to have a voice in their workplace, benefits and wages.
  • Our negotiations are around the corner and with an agency shop we will have a greater ability to retain the benefits that we currently have and make our language stronger.

A special thank you to our SEIU 721 leaders who helped see this process through – MarciaRutledge, Jane Fawke, Mike Hawk, Scott Buchanan and Patty Hamm.
Categories: Tri-Counties