
SEIU 721 Members Get Fired Up at National Conference

I was proud to share my experiences working as a member leader with 721 with others from across the country. I shared the great work we are doing for the Fight for a Fair Economy to rebuild the middle class. Many people were impressed that SEIU 721 has members and staff dedicated enough to participate in civil disobedience and be arrested. I let them know that we were just getting started and that next year we’ll have even more actions to show how serious we are.
During the conference we marched in solidarity with Occupy Phoenix . It was humbling to march with Rev. Jesse Jackson, who led a group in the late 60’s that occupied Washington, D.C. demanding affordable housing and good jobs. It is exciting to know that the work I am doing now to support and participating in the Occupy movement, demanding good jobs in Los Angeles, and making banks pay for how they destroyed the economy is keeping the movement alive today.
This conference was only the beginning for me.  “We Are One” has helped further my passion for organizing and mobilizing my fellow workers and my community. Are you fired up for 2012?
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