
One Step Closer to Making Part-Time DOT Officers Full-Time

After months of discussions, part-time DOT traffic officers have moved a little closer to becoming full-time city employees. At a meeting of the city’s Personnel Committee on October 18, member leaders like Daren McDaniel and Charles Harrell demonstrated that full-time officers do their jobs cheaper, better, and with more dedication than part-timers.
Councilmember Paul Koretz was persuaded by the argument. He moved to immediately convert the 47 part-time officers to full-time. The motion was enthusiastically supported by Councilmember Dennis Zine.
What’s Next?
Our next hurdle is getting Councilmember Koretz’s motion approved by the Budget and Finance Committee, where we face a significant challenge from Councilmembers Bernard Parks and Mitch Englander.
After we persuade the Budget and Finance Committee to approve the motion, then the issue will be voted on by the full City Council.
We will have meetings to discuss next steps and more on November 15 at 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM.
Take Action!
  • Call Councilmembers Bill Rosendahl (213-473-7011) and Bernard Parks (213-473-7008). Ask them to schedule a Joint Transportation Budget and Finance Committee meeting to address Councilman Koretz’s motion.
  • Call Councilmembers Paul Koretz (213-473-7005) and Dennis Zine (213-473-7003). Thank them for supporting full-time work.
Stay informed and get involved! Contact Charles Leone 310-972-0871 or by email.
  Pat Perry 80x80 2.jpg
“This is just one hurdle in a series of challenges we are facing.  I know with teamwork, outspoken members and solid arguments, we can overcome the obstacles and generate additional revenue for the city.”

–Pat Perry
Traffic Officer II

DOT Traffic Officer
General Meetings

Tuesday, November 15
3:30 PM & 5:30 PM
SEIU Local 721
500 S. Virgil Ave.
Los Angeles, 90020