
A Major Victory – Tom Johnston Elected to VCERA’s Board of Retirement

Tom Johnston
, a County Respiratory Critical Care Worker, was elected to VCERA Board of Retirement on July 7, 2011. Tom presently serves on SEIU Local 721’s Executive Board. 

“This election success was due to joint efforts by SEIU 721, CNA Nurses and all allied members in the Ventura County Coalition of Unions.  In Unity you find power and strength,” said Johnston.Tom was endorsed by SEIU Local 721, California Nurses Association (CNA), IUOE Local 501, the Ventura County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Ventura County Professional Probation Officer’s Association, and the Specialized Peace Officers Association.

There were a total of 952 votes and Johnston was the top vote getter with 313 votes for the General Member Election. Johnston’s term will begin on Sept. 12, 2011.

Election results were provided by the Ventura County Elections Division.

Categories: Tri-Counties | Ventura