
LA City Professionals and Engineers Seek Immediate End to Furloughs

LA City professionals and engineers bargaining their first SEIU contract have been meeting since December. They are seeking:

  • An immediate end to furloughs
  • No layoffs, cuts, takeaways or steps backward
  • Ensuring public work is done by city workers, not expensive contractors

They have stressed the absurdity and costs to the city of working next to contractors who are being paid overtime to do work that our members can’t do because they’re furloughed.

They called for General Managers and decision-makers to come to the next bargaining session to explain their vision for moving forward in partnership after early retirements and with reduced budgets to provide services more efficiently–for instance, by reforming contracting practices.

Bargaining Sessions Happening Around the City

Environmental Management Division (EMD) scientists took management on a tour of Hyperion Treatment Plant on December 22, to fully acquaint them with the hazards and aromas of their jobs treating the city’s sewage.

Helen Law“After working for the city for 23 years, my colleagues and I appreciated the opportunity to present to the CAO. EAA never put our issues to the bargaining table,” said Sr. Chemist Helen Law.

EMD-specific proposals presented included:

  • Reclassification study to create a supervisory class for Water Biologist
  • Obnoxious/Hazard Pay for scientists exposed to sludge samples

The LAPD Scientific Investigation Division introduced management to the Crime Lab at Cal State LA on December 29, where they presented the hazards and complexity of the science they’re called on to perform in testing DNA, weapons, gathering evidence at crime scenes and much more.

Joe Hourigan“The 13 furlough days that the Crime Lab staff took in 2009 have seriously affected our ability to carry out our mission of providing high quality scientific service to the judicial system in Los Angeles,” said Joe Hourigan, Assistant Lab Director, Forensic Science Center

They proposed an alternative work schedule that would make more efficient use of scarce lab resources to process more evidence.

Members of the Contract Action Team are cooking up a worksite action plan to highlight the costs to the public of furloughs. Look for details soon.

Contract negotiation sessions with the City continue weekly.

Get involved to win a strong contract. Here’s how:

1. Use your outgoing voicemail and email signature file to fight furloughs: “I’m unable to treat the city’s sewage/fight crime/design buildings today because I’m out on furlough” – or your own flavor of the same basic message. Look for a full anti-furlough action plan soon.

2. Join the Contract Action Team. Click here to get more information now (pdf).

3. Sign a SEIU membership card to build our power.

Questions? For more information, visit, email, or call 1-877-721-4YOU.