Just three weeks after officially becoming members of SEIU Local 721, City of Los Angeles professionals and engineers on Tuesday presented their initial bargaining proposals to the City and demanded a comprehensive budget overview from the City.
Core principles of the proposals include:
▪ An immediate end to furloughs
▪ No layoffs, cuts, takeaways or steps backward
▪ Ensuring public work is done by public workers

Having been present at the meetings and seeing everything develop, I know we have a good group of people to represent us.”

Contract negotiation sessions with the City will occur on an ongoing basis.
What’s next:
Tuesday, December 22–Hyperion, bargaining presentation by EMD scientists
Tuesday, December 29–Crime Lab, bargaining presentation by criminalists
LA City professionals: Ready to help win a strong contract?
Here’s how to get involved:
Attend an upcoming meeting at your worksite -
Sign a SEIU membership card -
Join the Contract Action Team or volunteer to be an union steward -
Questions? For more information, visit seiu721.org, email lacityprofessionals@seiu721.org, or call 1-877-721-4YOU.
This was a positive experience for me. Thanks for the posting of this.
The site seems to have a problem – the posted letters & sentences read jumbled up & one of the pictures seem misplaced. Could you please check it out. I appreciate it. Azar Nejad